New localization connected to development, testing, and sales
Software translation without source codes by development company |
Among many software translation companies, Kokusaika JP is a rare specialist company capable to cover both steps of internationalization (I18N) and localization (L10N). We achieve flexible software localization meeting each customer's purpose and cost such as source code translation using the software internationalization tool, "World Wide Navi" and binary file translation without source codes using the software localization "Sisulizer".
>>Highly recommended if you are one of the following:
- I want to sell a foreign software translated to our country's language, but I don't have the source codes and don't know how to translate.
- I have a tool to translate languages, but I don't know other culture points.
- I want to translate the comments in source codes returned by our offshore team. ... etc.
Service Contents |
Internationalization and localization steps with tools: (Excerpt from Sisulizer)

Source code translation (comments and strings, etc.), binary file (exe, dll, and others) translation without source codes, verification of target region and country support (date format, currency format, and others)
On demand
*For estimation, target source codes or binary files are required.
*We support PayPal payment. You can pay us safely. |
Send your contacting information, locations of source codes or binary files of target software, target languages to translate, target countries and regions to the following application address.
We will send you back our check points, cost estimation and pay direction by email.
Application Address:
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*Quotes Are Free Without Any Obligation!
Case Study |
For case study, refer to Case Study.
Documents And Others |
Kokusaika JP's Company Overview (business contents)(pdf)
Internationalization Steps With Tools (pdf)
>>The following services make this service more effective.
Source Code Clinic
Online Shop
Contact Us |
For requests and inquiries, please contact us on the application address or our contacting address.