Source Code Clinic
Source code diagnosis and modification for multilingualization
Preparing your applications for the global specification! |
To sell your applications in the global market, it is important to make your source code universally applicable and remove all cultural/regional specifications and make them into one piece.
This process is called internationalization.
(For software internationalization, please refer to "What's I18N?" and "I18N Support".)
With the rich experience and knowledge, Kokusaika JP diagnoses your source code and gives you detailed reports on existing problems and possible solutions for the overseas expansion by using "World Wide Navi" which is an internationalization tool developed by Kokusaika JP .
(World Wide Navi analysis rules used in the diagnosis will be provided to you as accumulated know-how.)
Moreover, we can explain several options based on different ways of handing procedures and quotes for you to find the best choice that fits your budget.
You can choose only a diagnosis for getting the current status, or we can internationalize your source code for you.
Kokusaika JP is a specialist in making every kind of source code ready the world specification.
>>Highly recommended if you are one of the following:
- I want to sell my company's software in foreign countries and want to know what is needed.
- I want to make culture-specific processes of the source code more universally applicable and sell them all over the world.
- I want to ask the developers to internationalize the source code, and need a quote as a reference. ... etc.
Service Content |
Kokusaika JP's source code clinic service flow: (PDF is here.)

Reporting problems of internationalization in source codes and summarizing them.
Providing the solutions and development know-how for the future reference and quotes of the source code modification.
The results will be delivered as digital diagnosis documents.
Diagnosis sample is here.
The World Wide Navi analysis rules edited by Kokusaika JP during diagnosis will be delivered too.
(If you are a World Wide Navi licensed version user, you can do the same analysis by your own with these rules. Utilize them for the future know-how sharing!)
Basic diagnosis fee: 180,000 yen
(Under 300,000 lines of source code steps. Exceeding this will incur an additional charge.)
The estimation of the source code modification will be attached to the diagnosis report.
Those of you who want the modification, please order it after receiving the diagnosis report.
*We support PayPal payment. You can pay us safely. |
*If you need a modification quote only, no fees are charged!
(In this case, only the prices and brief notes are provided without any diagnosis reports)
>>Application And Service Steps
Necessary Materials:
Sets of source codes to be submitted to Kokusaika JP
(Building sets of source codes, executable files, IDE project files, and others)
NDA (Nondisclosure Agreement) document
1. Download the Kokusaika JP's NDA template from here, and sign in and scan it to create a NDA document.
2. Send the document created in the step above with your name, company, contact information to the following e-mail address for application. Kokusaika JP will return it with a signature.
*If you want us to send a printed document, please specify so in your email.
E-mail Address for Application:
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
3. Send the NDA document returned in the step above, sets of source codes, and necessary information to the email address above by using the mail template downloaded from here.
*If you need to send us source codes in a digital media file (CD, DVD, etc.) by mail, please specify so in your email. (The related questions are in the template)
4. We calculate the source code steps and estimate the diagnosis fees, and send them with the detail confirmation and payment direction to your specified address (Usually i takes 1 or 2 business days after your application is received).
5. We will start the diagnosis after we confirm your payment, if there is no other points to be cleared. A diagnosis takes about 5 to 10 business days (In some cases, we may ask you for more details by email during the diagnosis process).
6. After the diagnosis is finished, we send the diagnosis result to your address. As a part of service, we will answer the questions and requests about the result only for a week after we send out the result. (Please remember that some requests may require another quote.)
7. If you want to the source code modification as well, please contact us by e-mail and order it based on the estimation in the diagnosis result. We will send you the payment direction and detail confirmation.
>>About Cancelling
If we are unable to confirm your payment within one week after sending a diagnosis price, Kokusaika JP will send you a confirming mail. If we don't hear from you within a few days, application will be canceled.
No fees are charged even if you cancel diagnosis. In case Kokusaika JP has already paid some fees (mailing fee, etc.), only those fees will be charged.
Benefits For Product License Customers
World Wide Navi customers of 360 days or longer Professional Model can get a 60,000 yen discount per license.
For World Wide Navi advantage services, refer to here.
Case Study |
For case study, refer to Case Study.
Documents And Others |
Source Code Clinic Service Flow (pdf)
Kokusaika JP's NDA(Nondisclosure Agreement) Document (pdf)
Source Code Clinic Application Mail Template (eml)
Source Code Clinic Diagnosis Document Sample (png)
Kokusaika JP's Company Overview (business contents)(pdf)
Internationalization Steps With Tools (pdf)
>>The followings may be effective adjunctive services to accommodate your needs:
Consulting (on-site seminar)
>>We support the following special cases. Please contact us by the email.
On-site source code diagnosis in your office
Delivery as a media file
Performance improvement, refactoring for maintenance enhancement. ... etc.
Contact Us |
For requests and inquiries, please contact us to the email address for application or our contact email address.