Report of Automated and Efficient Software I18N Development Technology Seminar
2 July 2009 |
On July 1st, Kokusaika JP and Active Point jointly hosted Automated and Efficient Software I18N (Internationalization) Development Technology Seminar at Chiyoda Platform Square. Thank you so much for attending. At the seminar, we demonstrated the latest version of the internationalization tool, World Wide Navi, and the localization tool, Sisulizer. We also talked about the Website I18N service which utilizes Opensource CMS Joomla!.
Automated and Efficient development in Software Internationalization
Kokusaika JP Inc.
Yoichi Suehiro
Presentation Handout (PDF)
Talked about the general introduction of software internationalization (I18N) and explained the way to increase productivity by using software tools.
World Wide Navi
- Software Internationalization Tool -
Kokusaika JP Inc.
Chief Engineer
Junichi Okamura
Presentation Handout (PDF)

Lectured about World Wide Navi's latest release 1.5's new functionalities. World Wide Navi works on complicated, time-comsuming, boring tasks in place of you.
- Software Localization Tool -
Active Point Inc.
Yuji Chahara
Presentation Handout (PDF)
Lectured about Sisulizer's functionalities; the three step localization and automated translation with translation memory and online translation services.
Website I18N
- Website Internationalization Service with open souce CMS Joomla! -
Kokusaika JP Inc.
I18N Senior Consultant
Toshiki Atsushiba
Presentation Handout (PDF)
Website I18N solves existing Website internationalization problems. Explained the basic functionalities by showing real 'Website I18N' websites such as Kokusaika JP, Active Point and NANAMI International.